Wednesday, December 7, 2011

verbs - Words like "do/does/did" to emphasize, but for "am/is/are"

So X said to Y:

I did tell you yesterday!

As far as I know, the word did there is to emphasize my point or tell him that I'm so sure I've told him the story yesterday. What I want to ask is, what's the word we may use to emphasize our point like that in a sentence with no verb? Like

You ARE the one who breaks it!

For emphasis, I capitalized the ARE, but is there any word that functions like did does in the previous sentence?


  • Valery, verily I say unto you, you are indeed the messiah sent unto the world!

  • Celery is indeed the food to eat to lose weight.

  • I am indeed the one who killed her.

  • You are truly a genius beyond normal proportions! Who would have thought of that?

  • Veerasamy is verily a man of great faith.

  • You are an absolute genius. How may I worship you?

  • Laleetha and Gopisamee are true lovers of the divine kind.

  • I have no freakin idea what you are talking about.

Verily is archaic use, and thus may be used in jest or sarcasm.

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