Sunday, December 25, 2011

american english - Reword a positive question into a negative one

I have a list of yes/no question. I want to associate a "yes" answer with a positive meaning (desirable) for all the questions, but I am having a problem with the last question of my list:

Does the middleware rely on XML-based protocols?

Because answering yes to this question is considered undesirable in my context.

Can be appropriate to use the following question instead? (So a "yes" answer is desirable)

Does the middleware not rely on XML-based protocols?

If not, how can I reformulate the question?


“Is the middleware independent of XML-based protocols?”

is a clearer formulation because it uses a single negative form in place of not + a positive form. You can apply this approach generally, but only where common positive and negative forms exist, which is why the word ‘reliant’ (no useful negative equivalent) was replaced by ‘dependent’.

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