Wednesday, November 6, 2019

grammar - "that" in place of "so"

Actual sentence:

"You're going to get an exam so simple that anyone can pass it."

"You're going to get an exam so simple anyone can pass it."

How about this:

"You're going to get an exam that simple anyone can pass it."

Does the sentence make sense?


Before answering your question, let me throw light on the use of 'so' and 'that'.

  1. So- 'So' is used to show/denote the amount/intensity of something.
    For Ex. It was so beautiful. Here 'so' denotes that the thing was very beautiful. The intensity of beauty was high.
    In your sentence, "the exam was so simple" , here 'so' denotes that the intensity of simplicity of exam was very high i.e the exam was very simple.

  2. That - In yours type of sentence, 'that' is used for 'Comparison', i.e to make comparison of one thing in the sentence to another.

    In the sentence, "You will get an exam that simple, anyone can pass it", here 'that' is making comparison of the of exam to an exam which is easy for anyone to pass.

So, yes your sentence does make sense.
If you have any confusion or anything you want to clarify, tell me in the comment :)

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