Sunday, April 21, 2019

word choice - "conversation-partner" and "conversation-mate"

Is it appropriate to say that the person I'm having a conversation with is my

conversation-partner, or do I have to say conversational partner? And if "conversation-partner" is Ok, what about conversation-mate?

I will give a concrete situation: Let's say I have a radio program, and I say: "Today we are going to talk about Physics. My conversation-mate is John Doe". So in this situation, which expression is better?

Last note: This question is not a duplicate. There is no question about "converation-mate". Also, I don't want to use less common words like "interlocutor" or "conversant".


"Let's say I have a radio program, and I say: 'Today we are going to talk about Physics. My conversation-mate is John Doe'" is acceptable usage, as is "conversation partner" or simply "guest," as suggested by StoneyB. Go with what feels natural to you.

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