Monday, April 15, 2019

grammatical number - Is 1.0 singular or plural?

I'm working on a website that displays distance to various locations to the nearest 1/10 mile. One of the developers (a non-native speaker) asked me an interesting question: If the distance is 1.0 mile(s), is that singular or plural? Clearly, anything other that 1.0 is plural, but is it:

1.0 miles away


1.0 mile away

The first option sounds more correct to my ear, but the voice of my elementary school language arts tells me that the latter option is correct.

Edit: Added the word 'away' to the example. It doesn't change the question, but might provide clarity for the answer. Also, regarding numbers between 0 and 1, after more thought, I'm not sure that the answer is as clear as I originally thought. See


"Singular" is intrinsically an integer measure. 1.0 doesn't qualify as an integer, so the plural is appropriate. says this:

Grammar . noting or pertaining to a member of the category of
number found in many languages that indicates that a word form
has one referent or denotes one person, place, thing, or instance,...

1.0 does not refer to a single thing, it is a dimensional measure of size. It doesn't qualify as singular.

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