Thursday, February 21, 2019

grammar - Conditional sentences

What type of conditional sentences should be used in a context like this?

(This person graduated from school many years ago.)

You know, my mother went to school and said that until she(the teacher) had apologised I wouldn't have attended her classes.


Before we try conditionals, I think we could do with some simple reported speech.

This is the context I inferred from your question (please correct me if I'm wrong):

  • Direct Speech

My mother went to school and said (to the teacher): "Until you
apologize, my daughter won't attend your classes.

  • Reported Speech

You know, my mother went to school and told my teacher that until she
apologized, I wouldn't attend her classes.

I suppose because the sentence is part of an ongoing narrative, it would be enough to just use reported speech and its tenses rule.

But if we isolate your target sentence, you can employ your past conditional:

My mother went to school and talked to my teacher. If she hadn't
, I wouldn't have attended her classes.

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