Friday, December 28, 2012

Definite article before specific product names

I would just like to know: Do we use the definite article (the) before specific names of products like iPhone and iPod? If yes, is there any specific rule as to when and when not to use the article "the" before such names?

Thank you!


First, I'd like to offer some light reading on the subject.

iPhones, iPods, and any other product name on its own does not necessitate that one uses the definite article. The rules regarding product names are the same as for other countable nouns.


Give me the iPod.

I'm requesting a specific iPod that, it's suggested, you and I are both familiar with.

Give me an iPod.

I'm requesting that you give me one iPod. It doesn't matter which iPod.

Where is the car?

I'm asking where a particular car is. Again, it's assumed you know which car I'm referring to.

Where is a car?

I'm asking where any car is. If you replace 'car' with 'Mercedes', the meaning doesn't change. Product names aren't special in this regard.

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