Saturday, December 7, 2019

Use of the definite article

Sentence 1:

I completely agree with this notion and will make the case for it by
analyzing the benefits that physical training classes bring to

In sentence 1 we must use the definite article because everyone knows which benefits phys-ed classes bring to youngsters, it's just a common sense.

Sentence 2:

Finally, the governmental financial reward for the organizations
that have incorporated kitchens and gyms into their office spaces
would be another effective (sound) countermeasure against the
deterioration of public health.

Here we must not use the definite article because there are a lot of such organizations, and it's impossible to say which exactly the author means.

Am I right?


You do have to use article (the) in the sentence number two too as you are specifying the organizations by using relative pronoun "that". Here you are talking about those organizations which have incorporated kitchens and gyms
into their office spaces.

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