Friday, December 20, 2019

grammar - this is/was the best meal I have ever had/had had

We are currently discussingq with my colleagues what the correct grammar would be in this context: you have just finished a meal and want to say it was/has been the best meal you ever had. What tenses would be used here?

This was the best meal I have ever had. - some say past simple should not be mixed present perfect like this and would choose past perfect.


If the meal is finished, then was, not has been. If it is continuing, then has been (so far), not was.

(However, what constitutes the "meal" experience/event? Is it over as soon as the last bite of food is swallowed? Is it over after everyone has left the table?)

These are all correct:

  • That was the best apple I have ever eaten. (you've finished it)

  • That was the best apple I ever ate. (you finished it)

  • This is the best party I have ever attended. (you're still partying)

  • This is the best apple I have ever eaten. (you have not finished it)

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