Wednesday, December 19, 2018

grammar - What's the difference between a few, few, the few

What's the difference between a few, few, the few?
Which one is formal or informal?


The few is quite rare, and used only when designating a small number of things or people that have some special distinction

  • the few rounds left in their magazines, the few guests who escaped the fire

There's a big difference between few and a few, however.
They're directed quantifiers, and they point in opposite directions.

  • a few means 'a small, but still positive, number', while

  • few is a negative quantifier, and means 'fewer than expected, predicted, or wished'

Few governs negative polarity items like ever, producing the following pair:

  • Few people ever come here in the winter, but not ...

  • *A few people ever come here in the winter.

because a few isn't negative and therefore can't trigger ever;
as well as the following pair, which produce opposite results:

  • Thank heavens that few people were hurt!

  • Thank heavens that a few people were hurt!

because you're thanking heavens for negative versus positive injuries.

Negatives are pretty tricky; much trickier than most people expect.

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