Saturday, January 28, 2017

single word requests - Hypernym for laws and rules

I need to find the proper abstract noun that can describe rules that are either issued at ministry level in some government and laws that are issued at the nation/presidential level.

After making some research on dictionaries and Wikipedia I found that:

  • Law is only at the country level not at ministry level (My understanding)

  • Rule can better be used for lower authorities (My understanding)

  • Pronouncement does not necessarily imply rules

  • Edict "often associated with monarchism, but it can be under any official authority."

  • Decree "usually issued by a head of state"

  • Proclamation "usually issued in the name of the head of state"

I checked also ordinance, dictum, ruling with no luck to get a clear idea

I need a term that can be generally accepted for use in most countries in official use (like in courts)

If it is hard to find a term that can generally fit, let's consider Egypt.


In the United Kingdom, this is all legislation.

Acts of Parliament and some other instruments such as Church of England Measures are called primary legislation.

Regulations issued by a minister are secondary legislation. They have force because some piece of primary legislation allows those regulations to be made.

legislation noun

[mass noun]

  1. Laws, considered collectively.
    ‘housing legislation’


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