Tuesday, June 4, 2019

punctuation - Can you use commas to list things after using a comma to interrupt the sentence flow?

When using a comma to create a pause in a sentence, can you then use commas immediately after to list things?

I've written the sentence,

Like the ancient tales of yore, we bore witness to our salvation.

Now I know the comma isn't exactly necessary in this sentence and is only there to reflect the character's cadence, but if I wanted to add some drama to the sentence and list things after the comma, would using a comma to begin or list the items make sense?


Like the ancient tales of yore, of good and evil, angels and demons, light and darkness, we bore witness to our salvation.

Obviously its not all necessary text and I'll probably go back and change it later, but it did get me thinking about what options you have in situations like that and now I'm just interested.

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