Friday, January 25, 2019

meaning - "Me being" versus "my being"

Until a few months ago, I had always thought that sentences like this were correct:

They always hated me being an atheist.

Only later to find out that the correct form is:

They always hated my being an atheist.

I came to understand the reason behind this and started using the proper form, but as I've seen the latest futurama episode, I found out the problem is far from over. The main cast character, Fry, said the following:

Never bet against me being stupid.

And now I'm totally lost. I've tried googling for an answer and all I found (by @Cerberus here or by others here, here, here and here) seems to disprove the fact of "me being" being correct.

So I ask: did the creators of futurama make such a horrible mistake, or does this problem go deeper than meets the eye?

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