Monday, July 17, 2017

word choice - How to call attention to "I" without "I myself" or the pretentious "even I"?

I find that in persuasive conversation, whether written or oral, it is sometimes useful to draw attention to the "I" in the sentence, giving the connotation that you are confessing or conceding to some degree. There are two common ways to do this, that I can think of:

I myself have done this once in a while...


Even I have done this once in a while...

The first just feels like bad grammar. The second seems far too pretentious; often giving the connotation that the speaker is normally "above" such behavior.

Is there another way to communicate this meaning without such negatives?


I, too, have done this...

calls attention to it, while merely including yourself humbly in the long list of people who have done it.

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