Sunday, July 9, 2017

grammar - Past and Present Perfect tenses in a sentence. Sequence of events

I have a question concerning Past and Present Perfect tenses/the sequence of events.

"As my school project, I have written a 44-pages-long research paper in which I had analysed the risk behaviours of 110 students and gave the assessment of the risk of future occurrence of cardiovascular diseases by my own developed risk assessment models."

I am not sure if this is the correct way to say it. I would appreciate every piece of advice.


In researching your paper you analysed (not had analysed) the risk behaviours, but in the paper itself you analyse your research findings and give an assessment of the risk.

This is because in writing about the ways in which you deal with a topic in a research paper, for example in an abstract, it is usual to use present tense. "In this paper I analyse .. , explain .. , discuss .. , show .. , give examples .. ," etc.

The present perfect (have written) is correct here if the context is one in which, for example, you are sending your teacher a notification about a project you have just finished.

This gives us the suggested corrected version:

As my school project, I have written a 44-pages-long research paper in
which I analyse the risk behaviours of 110 students and give the
assessment of the risk of future occurrence of cardiovascular diseases
by my own developed risk assessment models.

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