Saturday, June 17, 2017

Which is the correct tense to use for this phrase is/was presented with the award?

If I am writing the sentence: John is/was presented with an award yesterday.

Which tense should I use? is or was?

How about this? "Please ensure step 1 is completed before proceeding to step 2"

Why "is" is used in this case?


The only circumstances in which you would use is, would be if you were employing what is known as the historical present.

It is a literary device in which a series of happenings are stated in the present tense even though the reader is aware that it is taking place in the past - e.g.:

There am I, walking down the street, mindin' me own business, and this chap walks up to me and says, 'Are you my long-lost nephew?'

This previous question, on the site will tell you all about it.

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