Friday, June 30, 2017

single word requests - What term describes implying an unspoken question?

This is not an ethical, moral, or legal question - I'm looking for the language terminology relating to the quoted text of this hypothetical situation (simplified from a real-world one):

Bob gives Alex a monthly allowance. Whenever Alex needs more money or wants something, he will suggest the need and source, without actually asking a question, for example: "Bob, I'm short on money and know you got paid today, so was hoping to get some money early."

A similar question mentions "declarative questions", however in this situation, Alex never sounds like he is asking a question; rather, Alex's statements sound more like instructions or orders in that compliance is expected, and non-compliance is treated as a violation of an agreement that doesn't exist. (I know this is dysfunctional - again, I'm only looking for terminology.)

Is this just "passive voice" or is there a more specific term relating to a person's chronic inability to (or choice not to) make requests / ask direct questions?

Update: It seems "implies", "prompts", or "hints" seem to be the closest terms for this. I'll leave it open for a bit longer.


This looks like a straightforward case of Alex prompting, or at least attempting to prompt Bob.

From the OED (Login required)

prompt, v. 2a. trans. To incite to action; to move or induce (a
person, etc.) to or to do something.

Bob may find this annoying or passive-aggressive, but that is perhaps about the manner of prompting rather than the core action.

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