Saturday, August 13, 2016

present perfect - "Have been + verb-ing" vs. "have + past participle"

What's the difference between the following constructions of present perfect:

I've been waiting for you for seven years.

I've waited for you for seven years.

Googling yields no satisfying results. I also asked a native speaker and the one wasn't sure about the difference between the two, so I would like to know if there is any.


In "I've been waiting for you for seven years" the focus is on the act of waiting. Maybe you want to emphasise how long seven years is, or make the listener understand how patient you have been.

In "I've waited for you for seven years" the focus is on the result of the wait. Now, perhaps you want to emphasis that the wait is over, or you are unwilling to wait any longer, or you are really angry now.

This gives a quick overview.

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