Sunday, March 6, 2016

phrase usage - Should I use "in any case" or "in either case" in this example?

My research wasn't immoral. The only difference was that they were doing it for the sake of the
animals, and I was doing it for my own. In any/either case who is to say
which reason was 'better'?

What's the right alternative? Or, maybe another connector is better suited for this situation?


"Any", as you seem to recognize, does give an implication that there are multiple options. However, "in either case" is used less frequently and is perhaps less appropriate or recognizable. "Either way" may be a better choice if you want to highlight that there were specifically two options.

This may be a situation where there is no need for transition. Your use of a comparative ("better") makes your intent clear. Also, it could be better to just remove the rhetorical nature of the sentence and make your opinion clear. Alternatively, allow the question to be less leading.

Neither rationale is strictly better.
Is one reason better than the other?

If you wish the sentence to remain rhetorical, I prefer a single-word solution:

Regardless, who can say which reason was better?

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