Friday, March 11, 2016

grammaticality - Help settle an argument, question mark placement

So, I posted a picture in a group chat and one of the members of the chat questioned the placement of the question mark (attached for reference).

enter image description here

Where's your plane, peasants? (original)


Where's your plane? Peasants. (what he thinks it should be)

To my knowledge, the second would be grammatically incorrect purely for the fact that it contains a single word sentence, is this correct?


Both are grammatical, but they come across differently. I'll illustrate by setting the sentences if they came from the script for a (poorly written) play.


CARPENTER: Welcome to today's lessons on carpentry. Please bring your tools with you, and state your name and title as you enter.

ROBIN enters, carrying a bag of tools.

ROBIN: Robin of Loxley, bow-making, if you please.

APPRENTICE: This way, sir.

GEORGE and VAISEY enter, empty-handed.

GEORGE: We're just peasants, but we'd like to learn to make targets. Um, could we perchance borrow a plane?

APPRENTICE: Where's your plane, peasants?

GEORGE: We're sorry, sir, but we don't have any.

APPRENTICE: Very well, you may borrow this axe head and do what you can with it. Be sure to bring it back.

JOHN enters, also empty-handed.

JOHN: My name is John, and I'll be a prince one day. Show me to ...

APPRENTICE (under his breath): Not you again.

APPRENTICE (to JOHN): Where's your plane?

APPRENTICE (under his breath): Peasants.

JOHN: storms out

Curtains close.

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