Friday, November 6, 2015

syntactic analysis - What does "world-class tendered" mean?

I'm confused about the structure of this sentence when I read this text:

And that's why I start the businesses that I start, that's usually
consumer brands, that have embedded in them the very best of my
African culture. And what I do is it's all packaged, 21st century,

world-class tendered
, and I bring that to one of the most
sophisticated markets in the world, which is the US


And what I do is it's all packaged, 21st century, world-class tendered

What kind of word is "world-class tendered"? As what I saw in dictionary, "world-class" is an adjective, but how about "tendered" here? is it a participle? This confusion makes me misunderstand the meaning of this sentence. Please help me.

Thank you.


Let's break it up into sections, then:

And what I do is it's all packaged, 21st century, world-class

"And what I do is ..." stands for "And here is what I do:" or "And what I do is as follows:"

"It's all packaged" is really "Everything [i.e. all my merchandise] is packaged."

"21st century" means "Truly up-to-date," "very modern," "state-of-the-art."

"world-class tendered": "Presented in a manner comparable to that of the best companies in the entire world."

I hope this helps.

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