Tuesday, November 17, 2015

nouns - Is there a word for "people who are computer illiterate"?

Just as there is "computerate" to describe those who show familiarity with, and ability to use computers, is there a word to describe the opposite, those who are computer illiterate? The word I'm looking for includes both those who have access to computers but, for some reason, choose to keep away from them, and those who can read and write but have never seen a computer in their entire lives. I'm not looking for insulting or pejorative terms.


Computer illiterate may be the best phrase for itself, but if something less potentially pejorative is wanted, perhaps novice would suffice, as in novice computer user or computer novice.

nov·ice noun \ˈnä-vəs\
: a person who has just started learning or doing something

: a new member of a religious group who is preparing to become a nun or a monk

Note: I included the second definition as a comment on the sensibilities involved in mastering various levels of information and computer technology.

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