Sunday, November 8, 2015

american english - Is the logical system of punctuation becoming more prevalent in the US?

Is the logical system of punctuation becoming more prevalent in the US with regard to the placement of periods and commas outside the quote marks?

For example:


He called me a 'purveyor of malicious quips'.

He called me a 'purveyor of malicious quips.'

When she labeled me a 'profligate philander', a 'debauched disciple of decadence', and a 'purveyor of malicious quips', I was very offended.

When she labeled me a 'profligate philander,' a 'debauched disciple of decadence,' and a 'purveyor of malicious quips,' I was very offended.

'That', she said, 'is an abomination.'

'That,' she said, 'is an abomination.'


'When I go to the hearing,' she said,

'I am going to expose him.'
The comma goes inside the quote marks after the word 'hearing' because the sentence requires it at that point.

Thank you.

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