Friday, May 24, 2013

word usage - How to use the sound "ei" or "ey" in English conversation, which is quite popular in Australia?

I lived in Australia for 13 years and many times when speaking to local Aussie people, I often hear they use "ei" or "ey" (I do not know how to write that word, and that is why I am asking you) like "It's cool ey" "She is beautiful ey".

See this conversation:

Tom: My boss always criticizes me, blame me for no good reason, bla, bla, etc

Jack: He is bad ey

There are not many Australian women saying "ey" like that. But it seems that more men especially young Aussie people saying "ey" like that.

I am not sure if it is popular in UK or in USA, but is quite popular in Australia.

How to use the sound "ei" or "ey" in English conversation, which is quite popular in Australia?

Can you give me a video link demonstrating how to use it?


It's just 'eh?', meaning "isn't it?'

Macquarie Dictionary has an entry on it.

It's most common in Queensland, particularly Northern Queensland, but gets used elsewhere in Australia. It also gets used a bit by New Zealanders, a few of which have come to Australian shores.

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