Monday, May 20, 2013

grammar - Changing the place of the subject at the end with all verbs (is it possible?)

I know that when it comes to dialogue writing, we can change the subject of the sentence at the end, for example:

"Hello," said John.

"Hi there," replied Mary.

"How are you?" asked John.

"I'm OK," responded Mary.

And so on.

But can we do that with every single verb? For example:

"Stop right now!" ordered the father.

"It's a good song," recognized the girl.

"He'll be here tomorrow," guaranteed Thomas.

"I'll be all right," promised the boy.

In these sentences, is it understandable that the noun at the end is the subject and not the direct object of the sentence? Or is it confusing for a native reader of English?

Thank you for your replies.

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