Monday, November 12, 2012

pronunciation - The X in Xavier

The NOAD lists the pronunciation of Xavier as (ig)ˈzāvēər. In my own experience the parenthetical pronunciation is very common. I, however, do not know of any other x-initial words that are vowel-initiated when spoken.

Why is Xavier often pronounced (ig)ˈzāvēər?

I have two guesses, but they are merely guesses.

  1. While Xavier is pronounced xaˈβjer in its native Spanish, it is pronounced ɡzavje in French (Wikipedia). Does English pronunciation follow French pronunciation, but with the initial g growing into a vowel?

  2. According to Wikipedia the name Xavier comes from the Basque "etxe berri", for 'new house'. Did English somehow maintain the vowel from etxe?

What is the real reason Xavier is sometimes pronounced vowel-initial? Has this alternate pronunciation always existed? Are any other English x-initial words spoken with an initial vowel?

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