Friday, May 24, 2019

Nested Flashback - Past perfect tense w/in present tense or Past tense w/in past tense or Past perfect tense w/in past tense

So, someone from ELL suggested that I ask my question on this forum. I do not want to know if nested flashbacks are okay. I am simply asking about tense. Thanks for the help! Question is below:

Should a flashback be written in past tense? And if so, should the flashback occurring in it be in past tense as well or past perfect tense?

Past perfect tense w/in present tense or Past tense w/in past tense or Past perfect tense w/in past tense Example below:

(Flashback 1 in present)

Samt takes hold of Judiada’s arms and says, “Ju . . . Judiada, I . . . I am hysterical.”

“I will be as forthright as possible, Samt . . .” Judiada bites his bottom lip and then folds his arms over his chest, “we have to calm the people of Tarbus. You are next in line. We’ll do an emergency coronation ceremony—”


“Samt, we have to,” pleads Judiada.

or (flashback 1 in past tense)

“The spirit of Anaris would never give her approval,” said Samt. “No emergency coronation is to be held, Judiada. Lāza’s still out there.” Walking in circles, Samt grabbed his sun-streaked, shoulder length hair in frustration and said, “He was here getting ready. Here. I just talked to him!” He stopped and looked at Judiada. “Doi minu teelio!” Three weeks ago!” Samt took a seat and remembered his last conversation with Lāza.

Three weeks earlier . . .

(Flashback 2 past perfect tense)

Samt had grown tired of listening to the takeoff and landings of spacecrafts while standing in the control room. His anxiousness had turned into boredom while he waited to talk with his superior, Lāza Holmes. Lāza was to set off for his next voyage after their meeting.

Samt looked at the numeral box and noticed that Lāza was beyond late. Samt packed his carrying bag and then headed to the door. He decided that he’d wait to talk to Lāza after he completed his mission. Samt opened the door and before he could walk out, Lāza was walking onto the space carrier deck.

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