Thursday, October 18, 2018

possessives - Jenkins' vs Jenkins's vs Jenkins'es

While my question applies to Jenkins (software) which was named after Jenkins named meant to evoke a feel of English butler, there is a historical precent:'_Ear

Wikipedia article has Jenkins' in the title and Jenkins's in reference to historical book.

However modern grammar rules seem to imply that correct possessive form in modern English would be Jenkins'es.

So what is correct? Or are several options acceptable?


Names ending in s get their apostrophe welded on at the end. The correct answer is Jenkins'.

Noting occasional stray errors in a Wikipedia page that otherwise gets it correct, or how people say it aloud, is interesting but beside the point. The rule is simple and has nothing to do with how people say things out loud (written English is not subjugate to this year's crop of mis-speech.)

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