Tuesday, October 23, 2018

apostrophe - 90s kids or 90's kids or 90s' kids or '90s kids

I have been checking on which of these is grammatically correct. Should we use "90s kids" or "90's kids" or "90s' kids" or "'90s kids"? I checked on many forums and platforms like Reddit, Oxford, and many others. People discuss 90s kids and 90's kids and '90s kids, but no one talks about 90s' kids which I think is most appropriate as we use s' for plurals. Here is my research:

Oxford Dictionaries: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/punctuation/apostrophe

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/3ir72f/90s_vs_90s_which_one_is_correct/

Some even say that it should be written '90s as we are omitting 19 from 1990. So what do you all think?

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