Monday, May 7, 2018

names - Looking for a single word that can represent "receive from"

I am trying to find good names for a part of my software which I would describe as a layer. Multiple layers can lay ontop of each other and interact only with the layer above and the layer below.

Each layer can either send or receive from either above or below creating 4 function which I need to name.

With respect to the sending part, a simple name is short and easy send_up and send_down. However for the receive, the most natural word to pick seems to be receive_from_down and receive_from_up. However I don't like the 2 vs 3 word solution.

I am looking for a single word to represent receive from which makes sense in this context.

--- Edit ---

To increase clarity (Andrew Leach's comment), the reason I don't like "get" is because it's active while as "receive from" is passive. An example; if the layers are:


Assume that A is generating data from thin air. A would call send_down() which is an alias to receive_from_up() on B. B at a later date would call send_up() which is an alias to receive_from_down() on A. At no point would a layer call it's own receive_from_down(). So receive half of the problem is always initiated by a neighbor. This makes me feel that get is confusing.

To Jim: There is a hierarchy. Any layer can choose to pass a received message to the next neighbor or not. Any layer can also generate a message in either direction spontaneously.

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