Tuesday, May 8, 2018

grammar - order of adjectives - deleted recent questions vs recent deleted questions

From what is introduced here, "recent" is a kind of age and "deleted" seems to be a kind of specific opinion, so this structure seems to be correct: "deleted recent questions".

Actually I was looking at my questions in my profile and saw this link at the bottom of the page: "deleted recent questions". According to what is mentioned above, this is grammatically correct, but has a misleading meaning to me. It means to me:

The questions which where posted recently and are deleted.

It means to me in this way because of the adjectives order. In fact I think the word "deleted" is an adjective for the adjective-plus-noun "recent questions".

However, it is indeed aimed to mean:

The questions which were recently deleted. (regardless of the time the question was posted)

To mean so, I think this structure is preferable: "recent deleted questions".

Now my questions:

  1. Are my statements above correct?

  2. If yes, could we use the structure "recent deleted questions" or we are forced to use something like "recently deleted questions" ?

  3. Does English grammar have specific rules for what I call "adjective for a adjective-plus-noun", or the adjectives order indicated in the provided link should always be considered?

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