Thursday, April 13, 2017

meaning - Further explanation of "among others"

I know that "among others" is used when we mention one or more than one person. But still, I am a little confused.

For example: "Among others, Adam and Smith supported me at the meeting."

(I am quoting this sentence from this link in the same site")

Does this mean that Adam and Smith are the only ones who supported me at the meeting? Or does this mean that Adam and Smith along with other people that I don't want to mention supported me at the meeting?

Hope is not a dumb question, Thank you!


Great question!

Does this mean that Adam and Smith are the only ones who supported me
at the meeting? Or does this mean that Adam and Smith along with other
people that I don't want to mention supported me at the meeting?

It means that there were other people. Adam and Smith were in the group who helped.

However you have pinpointed a complete lack of logic in the saying. I've used it all my life without realising that it makes no sense!

Adam, Smith and others helped so how can Adam and Smith be among the others? Impossible.

If we use logic then we should, and can, say, "Adam, Smith and others supported me."

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