Saturday, July 30, 2016

Singular they with ‘known as’

I want to use singular they with the phrase known as. I am not sure if the appellation following known as should be in the singular or plural. Which of the following is correct?

  1. After completing the Hajj to Mecca, wherever one goes, they are
    known as a Hajji.

  2. After completing the Hajj to Mecca, wherever one goes, they are known as Hajjis.

Or, with a gender-neutral appellation (based on the comment below)

  1. After emigrating to the US, when one visits India, they are jokingly called an American Desi by their friends back home.

  2. After emigrating to the US, when one visits India, they are jokingly called American Desis by their friends back home.

Which one is grammatically correct?

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