Friday, June 17, 2016

grammaticality - "a food-hygienically acceptable substance": Grammatical syntax?

In a document (written by a native Japanese speaker), I see the following phrase that sets off my acceptability and grammaticality alarms:

a food-hygienically acceptable substance

Google shows only 130 or so hits for:

food-hygienically acceptable

some of which are like for:

keep the food hygienically acceptable

Which is fine.

But the others are all translated from Japanese, which makes me suspicious.

So my questions to other native speakers are:

  1. Is the syntax of "a food-hygienically acceptable substance" grammatical? I can’t seem to extrapolate to other such A+NOUN+HYPHEN+LY ADVERB+NOUN phrases to test it.

  2. Is there any more natural way to express this, such as:

Left-side modification:

a food-hygiene-acceptable substance

More grammatical, but still awkward.

Right-side modification:

a substance acceptable in terms of food hygiene

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