Wednesday, April 29, 2015

punctuation - When should I capitalise the first inital after a colon?

I've read a few question and answers on this topic but, to make assurance doubly sure (as it were), here goes.

Is the capitalisation correct in the following two instances?

  1. Chapter 7 examines the impact of intra-household inequalities in access to food and addresses questions such as: How do poor agricultural families cope with food insecurity during seasonal troughs in the agricultural production cycle? How do they cope with calamities such as drought and famine? Does the burden of coping fall equally on all family members?

  2. This is justified on the grounds that: ‘In the African way, we speak to the man who is the head of the house and assume he will pass on the information to other members’; and again, ‘Being men, it is of course easier for us to persuade men’ (Staudt 1975–76: 91).

In instance (1), had there been only one question, should I have lowercased the initial h?

Chapter 7 examines the impact of intra-household inequalities in access to food and addresses questions such as: how do poor agricultural families cope with food insecurity during seasonal troughs in the agricultural production cycle?

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