Monday, October 27, 2014

syntactic analysis - How to separate out a long list of verbs that then merges in with long list of objects?

Imagine the following example:

Feminists destroy, reduce, decimate, deconstruct, defame, destabilize, and fragment the female culture, history, sexuality, identity, reality, and truth.

In the above example, after "fragment" the author is done using verbs and has started a long list of words (objects, subjects?) that are the things that the previous verbs will be acting on.

The actual sentence that I read somewhere is quite similar to the above but in that case the author is using even a more complex sentence where she groups several words together, like she writes in the second part, "culture, history, and tradition" separated by semi-colon and then "body, sexuality, and gender", etc. But I decided to keep it simple for my question here.

Please assume one is interested in keeping the sentence long and don't break it up into small parts. Thanks for your help.

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