Saturday, June 7, 2014

grammatical number - Should we treat "information" as a plural term in the following context?

I'm writing a thesis on web information extraction. I use the term information a lot in my thesis, but I'm not sure I should treat it as a plural term or singular term. The following are some cases where I have doubt.

How are faculty member information presented in web pages?

Information extracted from multiple sources are integrated based on some rules.

As you can see from the examples, I use it as a plural term in the context. However, I don't feel right when I actually read it. Anyone please shed some light on this?


I see information as an uncountable noun, like water or sand. If you add information to information, you get more information, not two informations.

In the sentences you have used, it reads better if you treat information as singular:

How *is* faculty member information presented in web pages?

Information extracted from multiple sources *is* integrated based on some rules.

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