Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Adjectives Order

I would like to as about adjectives order.

As I understand there is a rule for adjective order in adj adj noun.

Here is my understanding:

I got it for size - purpose adjectives.
But what about opinion?

Does adjective like "hungry", "curious", "playful", "crazy" categorized as opinion?

Sorry if this sounds like very basic question.

Thanks in advance mate!


Yes, there is a correct word order for adjectives. Hunger is not an opinion. It is a state. A feeling. A sad hungry Man.For grammar purpuses it is an adjective of Quality. Adjectives of quality can be placed after the verbs. The man seemed tired and hungry.

or The tall tired hungry man climbed the massive mountain.
The clever curious cat found a mouse.
That cat is curious. That is a demonstrative adjective followed by noun verb adjective. Just to show you a change in word order.
Normal word order is
opinion, size,physical Quality,shape,age,colour,origin,material,type and purpose.

Your question should be written in the following way.

Do Adjectives .....
not Does Adjectives....
Because you need the plural form
Playful, crazy and curious are adjectives of quality.

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