Thursday, February 13, 2014

comparisons - What is the difference between "history" and "log"?

In computer science, "log" is often used over "history" when keeping track of events (see /log and .log in Unix filesystems, and "git log" with the Git version control system). I can see that "log" is shorter, so that is one advantage over "history". However with "history" there is less confusion because it does not have a second meaning, as far as I could tell. Whereas "log" is also used in mathematics.

  1. What is the difference between "history" and "log"?

  2. When to use "log" over "history"?

  3. When to use "history" over "log"?

  4. Why is "log" often used in computer science?


The word log originated from its usage in 'Ship Log Book', which originally referred to the book for recording readings from the 'Chip Log' (apparatus containing an actual wooden log, giving it the name).

The usage of word log thus is more accurate when used for maintaining well defined records in a more or less scientific way to potentially derive specific information in the future like ship's speed or investigating issues in computer software.

A log does captures historical information but lacks narrative and is generally very specific in its scope.

In computer science it makes sense to use the word log because computer logs keep track of well defined(and formatted in most instances) events and related information.

I hope this helps.

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