Sunday, June 10, 2012

pronunciation - Syllable — Phonetic Online List/Dictionary with word examples

Is there a homepage or online tool that gives you a list of, let's say, the 2000 most common syllables sorted by their international phonetic alphabet spelling?
(e.g. /sɜː(r)/ = the first syllable from the word circle which is the same as for circus)
and gives some examples next to it like:

sɜː(r) For example: circle, circus, ...

I'm not looking for a usual dictionary with IPA characters.

Neither am I looking for a phonetic dictionary that lists several thousand words ordered by spelling.

Do you know a syllable-based online webpage that lists the most-used prefixes and suffixes in an alphabetic IPA spelling order (and may give some word examples in brackets next to the listed syllable)?

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