Saturday, September 7, 2019

formality - Why are contractions considered unprofessional?

I've heard people specify not to use contractions in order to maintain a degree of professionalism. I've heard this mentioned by fellow students while in school as well.

I've never heard this with regards to online writing, thank goodness, but I don't understand why it's considered informal or low brow to use them.

It seems to me that not using them should be considered unprofessional. It's my understanding that language should be succinct, especially if you're trying to convey class or intellect. Avoiding contractions just seems like something only a child would do on their homework to add words to an essay.


Excerpt from Chicago Manual of Style:

Most types of writing benefit from the use of contractions. If used
thoughtfully, contractions in prose sound natural and relaxed and make
reading more enjoyable.

Excerpt from Modern American Usage:

The common fear is that using contractions can make the writing seem
breezy. For most of us, though, that risk is nil. What you gain should
be a relaxed sincerity—not breeziness.

More reading here.

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