Friday, July 19, 2019

Indirect object? Direct object? In active voice? In passive voice?

The following sentence has an active voice verb and an indirect object (IO) me and a direct object (DO) book:

"Jeff gave me a book."

As I understand, a passive voice verb comprises (1) a form of the verb be and (2) the past participle of the main verb. That being the case,...

When the above sentence is changed to the passive voice--"A book was given me by Jeff." (where book, previously the DO, now becomes the subject and Jeff, previously the subject, now becomes the object of the preposition by)--does me still function as the IO even though there is no DO present?

Similarly, when written like this--"I was given a book by Jeff."--is book a DO even though the verb is in the passive voice?

Please explain why or why not. Thank you.

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