Friday, July 26, 2019

grammar - What is the structure of this complex sentence?

This is preface of The punishments of China:

The wisdom of the Chinese Legislature is no where more conspicuous than in its treatment of robbers, no person being doomed to suffer death for having merely deprived another of some temporal property, provided he neither uses, nor carries, any offensive weapon. This sagacious edict renders robbery unfrequent; the daring violator of the laws, hesitating to take with him those means, which might preserve his own life, or affect that of the plundered, in the event of resistance, generally confines his depredations to acts of private pilfering, and a robbery, attended with murder, is, of course, very rarely perpetrated. 

  1. What kind of grammar does
    ", Hesitating..." have? What is the meaning of this sentence?

  2. What is the subject of confines?

There are too many commas for me to grasp the sentence structure.
I'm totally confused. Thank you in advance.

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