Saturday, September 16, 2017

grammar - created by the idea of

What is the correct way to say that something was 'created by the idea of someone else...' For example, if John Doe came up with an idea and I developed it into a project, I would say:

This project was ___________ [created by the idea of] John Doe.

But Google gives only two results for the exact search of "created by the idea of":*

... which probably means that I am wrong (that this is not correct).


The project was first conceptualized by John Doe.

Form a concept or idea of (something)

Also for a more 'project' orientated definition:


The ability to invent or formulate an idea or concept. The
conceptualization phase of a project occurs in the initial design
activity when the scope of the project is drafted and a list of the
desired design features and requirements is created.

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