Thursday, August 3, 2017

verbs - Can I say “acquire someone something”?

It’s common to say someone acquires something, but is it OK to say “acquires someone something?

For example, it is possible to say

His character acquires him a good name.
                    (where good name here means fame)

to mean that he acquires a good name because of his (good) character.


I don't find OP's proposed usage particularly "valid" - it just looks like a bad translation to me.

A little stuffy and dated, but I'd go for "His character affords him a good name".

afford - to supply or furnish from its own resources, to yield naturally. (OED, sense:7)

OP mentions sb acquire sth, by which I take it he means sentences such as "John acquired a gun".

acquire - to get by one's own efforts. (thefreedictionary, sense:2)

In this context, it's worth noting that we can (just about) say "The gun afforded John confidence", but not *"The gun acquired John confidence" - only "John acquired confidence through the gun".

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