Sunday, November 6, 2016

grammar - "I would have given you everything I have."

I've run across this sentence on a language learning forum, and it claims to be an example of perfect tense. It's been many years since I've had a formal grammar lesson, but this appears to me to be a disagreement of tense, between "would have given" (past) and "everything I have" (present). I do not see how in the past one could have given what one now possesses in the present. Am I simply misremembering this usage, or is this sentence in fact confused?


It isn't strictly the past, it is the conditional perfect.

It would have been equally grammatical to have said I would have given you everything I had - which you may find more acceptable.

But as @Fumble Fingers says, if the speaker still has what they had then, then have is fine - especially if it all happened in the recent past.

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