Friday, September 25, 2015

subjunctive mood - Sequence of Verb Tense when it comes to if condition

Normally, a noun clause has the same tense as the main clause, right.
So, I am wondering how about the case in IF condition sentence?

If she were here, I would tell her that I liked/like her.

If she wanted to please me, she would pretend that she was/is happy.

If I were you, I would imagine I was/am going to pass the exam.

If I were you, I would say that I didn't/don't want to join his team.

But, I am quite sure in some cases, verbs should be in the appropriate tense that can describe the situation.

"If you had the sense of humor, you would enjoy what I am talking about."(a case that I am telling a funny story, but you don't understand it)

What do you guys think about the sequence of verb tense in IF condition or subjunctive mood?

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