Friday, August 7, 2015

slang - Does “me” take singular verb form?

I have seen a meme which confuses me:

"At 18:

Others: have partners, do drugs etc.

Me: watches tv and sleeps

Is this grammatically correct and does "me" take singular verb form?

I have also heard comedians use this. My question is about verb agreement.
We say I watch tv and sleep but what about “me"? Is it “me watch tv and sleep” or “me watches tv and sleeps”?


Context is important in English, and especially today, ideas and concepts are often conveyed very succinctly.

The artist in me cries out for design (Robert Frost)

This can be crudely summarised as

  • Me: Cries out for design

Therefore in a declarative sentence such as

Me: watches an entire season of a TV show in one night

The “me” above refers to the binge watcher, the lazy person or the procrastinator that lives inside. The speaker describes him or herself as if they were a third person, a separate identity.

Other examples,

enter image description here

Note that when the subject is "I" the verb that follows is not in the 3rd person singular, it's “I hate” not “I hates” but in today's internet culture, the deliberate misuse of grammar is often used for humor.
“i hates da sun, i hates da beach, i hates you too”

I hate it when [the] healthy [person in] me
does the groceries because now
[the] fat [person in] me needs a snack.

enter image description here

  1. Me: I'm not dramatic

  2. Also me: cries after a haircut = I am also someone who cries after a haircut

  3. [The polite person in me says] “I love it!!”

  4. [The real person in me] goes home and cries

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