Thursday, September 25, 2014

syntactic analysis - "...and all would have to be accounted for." Improper sentence ending at 'for'. Please suggest alternative

I have this statement that I do not want to end at 'for' (I read somewhere that it is improper to end at 'for').

The problem is hard as there are many sources of failures, and all
would have to be accounted for.

Please suggest alternative.


You do not want to end your sentence with for because you read "somewhere" that is improper.

I will give you a place to read the opposite:

There is nothing wrong with ending a sentence with for.

This should solve your problem.

On a general note: beware of any and all (restrictive) grammar and style advises that have accumulated over the years and that tend to be:

  • incomplete

  • based on false assumptions

  • unworkable

  • out of touch with linguistic reality

  • simply wrong

Most generalized "rules" tend to fall into one or more of these categories.
Famous examples include don't use the passive (given by someone who showed no understanding of passive constructions to start with) and don't split infinitives (unless they mean that you should not write wo [something else] rk).

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