Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Which preposition to use with "interface"

What is the best preposition at/for/on to use in sentences like these:

Configure CoS queue parameters at interface


Configure CoS queue parameters for interface


Configure CoS queue parameters on interface

These sentence fragments are help messages for CLI commands in the networking device. Articles are intentionally omitted to shorten them.


What should the prepositions be if I use Set and Enable instead of Configure?

Enable 'something' on interface


Set 'something' on interface


Meaning of these fragments is the following:
There is a device and it has some ports (I call them interfaces). There are some parameters that can be configured for the particular interface. There are some parameters that can be enabled on the interface. There are some attributes that can be set on the interface.


As an (ex) network engineer, I would use on for the "enable" case, and generally use for in the "QoS parameters" case.

The rationale is that in the former I am performing an action directly on the interface, but in the latter I am performing actions on settings of the interface.

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